Add the ability to print category list instead of having to do screen captures. (28 Legacy Votes)

Quicken Community
Quicken Community Quicken Windows Subscription admin
edited October 2023 in Product Enhancements
Coming from 20+ years of Quicken for Windows experience and switching over to the Mac version.  Would nice to be able to print out the category list instead of having to do screen prints.
38 votes

Under Consideration · Last Updated

Submitted for review 28 Aug 23 - CBT-166/CTP-7671 - Updated ticket#: QMAC-26452


  • smayer97
    smayer97 Quicken Mac Other SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2021

    Everyone, including the person who initiated this discussion …

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    (Canadian user since '92, STILL using QM2007)

  • smayer97
    smayer97 Quicken Mac Other SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2018
    Note that this IDEA has been added to the List of Requests for Report TypesYou may want to click on the underlined link, then follow the instructions to add your vote to more related ideas.

    (If you find this reply helpful, please be sure to click "Like", so others will know, thanks.)

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    (Canadian user since '92, STILL using QM2007)

  • Loganrun
    Loganrun Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
    edited October 2020
    Is there a way to print a copy of the category list to review for modifications? I set up a dummy test account and wanted to review the default categories Q for Mac establishes. Since I have no transactions on this account the report listings are of no help. Any suggestions?
  • Loganrun
    Loganrun Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
    Thanks, that's what I figured my only option would be. Bummer. Another thing to add to the wish they would improve upon.....
  • Park
    Park Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
    Here is another work-around to consider. (I'm on Quicken for Mac-Deluxe, v.6.1.1) TechSmith makes a screen capture utility they call Snagit. It has the ability to capture a long list like Categories. I used it today since I share the same frustration coming from Windows that i can't print a category list on the Mac version. It seemed to work very well. Watch how your lines print. I noticed some cut-off of text at tops and bottoms of some pages but you can watch for that. It's not as slick as if the function were built-in to Quicken but it appears to be helpful. (To get to Categories: Act like you are going to add a new item in the register then click on the split icon. Click on the 1st detail line and then on the drop-down arrows. Go to the very end of the list and click on Edit Categories.)
  • Park
    Park Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
    Forget my last post on Snagit. The scroll function I described is somehow leaving out many lines of data when it comes to the print version. Looks like my work-around is just creating a mess of a different kind. They do have a screen paint feature and that seems to be working w/o deleting data from the print job. The catch is you have to print each screen segment of the categories list one at a time.
  • fredericch
    fredericch Quicken Mac Other Member ✭✭
    I voted this up for Quicken development.

    In the meantime, one roundabout way I got my category list was to export All Transactions (5 years!) into a CSV document. Column A had Categories, B had sub-categories, C had Date, D had Account, E Payee, F had amount. I added a formula in Column G to tag rows that contained either a Category in column A or a sub-category in column B. Then I sorted by the tag column only. (Important to tag Cat and Sub-cat the same so that "sort" doesn't mess with the hierarchy.) Then I deleted all the transactions rows (15000!) and the tag column.
    What was left was 174 categories (same as the number Quicken said I have "Used") in Income/Expenses order and alphabetical order. It's time-consuming, but at least it is accurate and sortable. Good luck!
  • I may be the new kid to this forum, but I've printed my category list with limited effort. Control P -> Export to Excel format file -> I ;) mport into Excel, sort anyway you'd like and then print......
  • Chris_QPW
    Chris_QPW Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    I may be the new kid to this forum, but I've printed my category list with limited effort. Control P -> Export to Excel format file -> I ;) mport into Excel, sort anyway you'd like and then print......
    This is a request for Quicken Mac, I believe you are talking about Quicken Windows.
    This is my website:
  • lornaalsip
    lornaalsip Quicken Mac 2017 Member
    its now 2023 and in the most current version of Quicken for MAC I still cannot seem to print a category list (in accounting terms this report would be called a "chart of accounts"). I really want to customize my category listing and the easiest way would be to have a report printed so I can decide which ones to merge and which ones to delete. Doesn't seem like a difficult request. If anyone has a way to do this without having to do a print screen please share.
  • jacobs
    jacobs Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    edited August 2023

    @lornaalsip You're correct that this functionality hasn't been added yet. It's not necessarily because it's difficult to implement, but that the developers have felt other features are a higher priority to work on. This surely seems like something they’ll get to eventually, but whether that's next month or three years from now is anyone's guess.

    Aside from screenshots, here's one other workaround technique shared by fellow user @RickO in another thread on this topic:

    Create a new Summary Report. Set Row=Category, Column=Time and Interval=None. Set the Date Range to All Dates. Set Accounts, Categories, Tags and Payees to All. Export the resulting report to CSV and open that CSV file with Excel or Numbers. Delete the columns with the dollar amounts and the extraneous rows at the top and bottom. You are left with a clean list of categories that you can print. Be aware that it will not include any unused categories.

    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • Quicken Kristina
    Quicken Kristina Quicken Windows Subscription Moderator mod

    Hello All,

    The status of this Idea has been changed to Under Consideration as it has reached enough votes and has been submitted to our Product and Development team for further review.

    Thank you!

    Quicken Kristina

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  • Glenn 2019
    Glenn 2019 Quicken Mac Subscription Member

    Please let us print out category list. I've been waiting patiently for this since converting to Q Mac. In the last 30 years I've created a numerous categories which require deleting/merging. Would you please up the priority on this request. And yes…I've gone the cut and paste route, which is unacceptable.

  • Hello @Glenn 2019,

    Thank you for sharing your feature request.

    Your idea has been merged with this existing Idea that is currently marked as Under Consideration.

    Thank you!

    -Quicken Anja
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