Please add "find/replace" feature to Mac (+2 Merged Votes)

Wondering when a fully-functional Find/Replace feature will be implemented in Quicken Mac? (This includes working in split transactions, and on all fields.)

62 votes

Planned · Last Updated

This request has been accepted by the Development team for future implementation, however, there is no ETA on when this will be available. CTP-7462/QMAC-26013



  • cborjon
    cborjon Member ✭✭
    Does Quicken 2020 for Mac have a Find and Replace feature?
  • Quicken_Tyka
    Quicken_Tyka Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    Hello @cborjon

    Thank you for taking the time to visit the Community to post your question, although I apologize that this feature isn't currently offered.

    I have moved your post to the ongoing Idea thread to add the add a Find/Replace feature to Quicken for Mac.

    Be sure to navigate to the top of this post and click the up arrow to add your vote!

    Ideas are reviewed by our development team to see what people would like to be available in the future.

    Thank you,

    -Quicken Tyka

  • cborjon
    cborjon Member ✭✭
    Vote....Seriously. Functionality that is found in '90s software and was in previous versions of the Mac (step-child) version of Quicken. It is in the Windows hard can it be. Nothing earth-shattering here. Next thing you know people will ask for drag and drop.

    Someone remind me why I want to renew this subscription. Why?
  • Very disappointing that this feature has been dropped, need it back asap, been using this product for multiple decades and this is a definite step backward.
  • ghfriedman
    ghfriedman Unconfirmed, Member
    agree with the above. Really need Find and Replace option to edit multiple transaction. This should be a high priority!!!
  • Quicken_Tyka
    Quicken_Tyka Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2021
    Hello @ghfriedman

    Thank you for taking the time to visit the Community to add your vote! While there currently is no Find/Replace option,  you may still edit multiple transactions at once.

    To do so, start by searching for a payee/category to isolate the transactions that you would like to edit.

    I would then select Command + A to highlight the entire register.

    I would then navigate to the "Edit" option along the bottom of the register and type "Transfer" under the category to select the appropriate account.

    The only caveat being, split transactions can only be edited individually and the process can not be applied to split transactions.

    I hope this helps!

    -Quicken Tyka
  • Miranda
    Miranda Member ✭✭
    As someone who is migrating from Windows Quicken and has a 23 year history that they are trying to clean up, this is really disappointing to see this is not there. Yes, I have upvoted it and yes I see the post about editing payee/category to edit multiple transactions, but the fact that you can't edit split transaction detail lines is really disappointing. I am wanting to clean up the categorization on my paychecks now that the default categories have changed since the paychecks were created many years ago, and some of the categories from the paycheck wizard in Windows don't exist at all in the Mac version like _401EmployerContrib, but these paychecks are all obviously split transactions.
  • John_M
    John_M Member ✭✭✭✭
    I may not completely understand your issue, but it seems to me that if you go into the categories list (Window:Categories from the main menu) and find the category you wish to change (e.g., from "_401EmployerContrib" to "Employer Match") the category name will be changed globally and you won't have to go into each split. The same would work for payees.
  • tigerluv700
    tigerluv700 Unconfirmed, Member
    Please add the feature "Find & Replace" to Quicken MAC as soon as possible. I have been using MAC PC for decades and just this past year merged into Quicken MAC. It is very disappointing that this feature is not available.
  • John_M
    John_M Member ✭✭✭✭
    @tigerluv700 What are you trying to find and replace? A category? A payee? Both of these are easily searched through the Window menu.
  • DWIM
    DWIM Member ✭✭
    First post: Using Quicken Deluxe for Mac 6.1. Just an FYI. I needed to mass-change several transactions, replacing the Memo/Notes info from <SomeString> to <NewString>. To do so, I: (a) Used the find (Edit/Find/Find or the search field upper-right transaction screen) to show only those satisfying <SomeString>; (b) Used a command-A (Select all) to select all transactions found; (c) Clicked the Pencil / Edit button at the bottom of the found transaction list, which brought up a dialog within which I could enter <NewString> as the replacement in that field. There were several other options for replacement as well. BTW, if one transaction is selected, you can change field values in the 'normal' way (that transaction is highlighted). OTOH, if >1 transaction is selected and you click the Pencil/Edit button, the dialog on a new window comes up, to change them all.
  • jacobs
    jacobs SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    Find and Replace is partially implemented in Quicken Mac; it works well -- except for transactions with splits. That's a gaping hole, and really needs to be fixed.
    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • GregCT
    GregCT Member ✭✭
    edited September 2021
    I see no way to "vote" on this... how is this helpful?
  • jacobs
    jacobs SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    GregCT said:
    I see no way to "vote" on this... how is this helpful?
    Go to the top of the page and look for the yellow box under the original idea (first) post. Click the little triangle under the vote counter. This is how you can vote on any Idea topic on this site.
    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • Darran_AUS
    Darran_AUS Member ✭✭
    A few times now I’ve discovered after many transactions being entered that i have used the wrong category. Not all transactions are needing to be changed but enough to make the task hard by having to fix individually. Had there been an option like “find and replace” where i could define the criteria i wanted (like payee, date range, account, tag etc) i can then say for these matched transactions change category to “xyz”. this feature would also be useful for any other bulk amendment that might need to be done too. I recall this was possible in an older QWin version (maybe still exists in QWin today). just like the old Ctl+H.
  • Quicken Anja
    Quicken Anja Moderator mod
    Hello @Darran_AUS,

    Thank you for reaching out to the Community with your request.

    I went ahead and merged your Idea to this active Idea thread regarding this topic.

    Ideas are reviewed by our Development and Product teams to see what features people would like to have available in the future. Please, be sure to add your own vote as well by clicking the up arrow (see example below).

    If you still need to search and edit multiple transactions at once in the meantime; I recommend that you review and follow the instructions that were previously provided here in this post by Quicken_Tyka.

    I hope this helps! Thank you.

    -Quicken Anja
    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • I agree completely CMD+H (Find/Replace) would simplify this issue for Quicken Mac, as well as plug the gaping hole in Splits. The work around that Quicken_Tyka gave actually works! It took me a minute to understand what she said (to see Edit button at the bottom also included Categories, Tags, etc.), but then I was able to mass-edit the selected transactions and change the categories (no, not splits). So at least this is a step in the right direction... (from a guy who started with Quicken PC in 1991 and eventually fell victim to the "Apple").

    Use the "Search All Visible Columns" box above the transactions to enter what you want to find (Payee, Category, etc). CMD+A will select all those transactions now filtered (you should confirm dates, type, and status are what you want in filters). If you need to deselect some transactions after CMD+A, simply hold CMD+<Click on whatever transactions you don't want to change>. Then select the new value of Payee, Category, Tags, Memo/Notes, etc. you want to change, and all the selected transactions change after Click-OK. Voila!
  • CraigMac
    CraigMac Member ✭✭
    The suggestion made by Quicken_Tyka does not account for changing the Amount column of multiple entries at once. I am also coming from the Windows background of using Quicken for 20 years. Now I'm using it on a Mac and I can't believe that a Find/Replace feature allowing me to edit the Amount column of multiple entries at once is absent. This is a MUST for being able to budget. Changing one weekly entry at a time is very time consuming and was so much easier on the Windows version.
    Please include a Find/Replace feature. I am using Version 6.4.2 Build 604.41752.100
    Thank you
  • Jack4
    Jack4 Member ✭✭
    Here's one more request to have find/replace capability added to Quicken Mac. I am cleaning up my exported data from Q2007 and there are many memo fields with "orphan transfer" ADDED in front of the original memo. So a way to find "orphan transfer" and replace it with "" would save a lot of time in cleaning up the file.
  • dschandl
    dschandl Member ✭✭
    Well crap, with only 36 up votes. this will go nowhere. I can't believe we are even having to debate the absence of this very basic functionality.
  • Frustrating that I can't do a find and replace for split transactions.
  • Over 2 years and still no find/replace option on Mac.

    Also the option presented does not allow for split transactions, which is very annoying. I just bought a Mac and I've paid my subscription for Quicken for at least the past 4 years. I am very unhappy that Quicken still does not have this obviously very important feature to a Mac.

    I feel if that features missing for Mac I should get a discount on my yearly subscription
  • John Hartley
    John Hartley Member
    edited November 2022
  • John Hartley
    John Hartley Member
    edited November 2022
  • bluexena
    bluexena Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
    Thanks @Quicken_Tyka and @jacobs!
    Yes, we need a find and replace that Quicken for Mac had for years!
    Yes, the new functionality is great and easier than previous versions it STILL is a feature gap to the older versions.

    Need ability to find and replace ALL instances (so to account for splits).
    Examples above but for me I use most to clean up and to reorganize categories and you can't use @Quicken_Tyka solution for splits.

    Please spread the word an up vote!
  • bluexena
    bluexena Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
    edited November 2022
  • bluexena
    bluexena Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
    edited November 2022
  • bluexena
    bluexena Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
    edited November 2022
  • Please add find and replace. As a Quicken user from 1990 and a recent convert to Quicken for Mac I am surprised this even needs to be an ask. It is such a foundational feature. I am on my knees begging! ;)
  • smayer97
    smayer97 SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2022
    Actually, there is a MUCH OLDER IDEA thread that makes this issue really 2-sides of the same coin... which is to expand the already existing Batch Editor to be more complete and allow editing split lines too.
    I suggest adding your vote to this idea, that has hundreds of votes already:

    (it addresses the Find and Replace functionality too in this comment:

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    (Now Archived, even with over 350 votes!)

    (Canadian user since '92, STILL using QM2007)