Quicken for Mac 2016 Release 3.5.2 Discussion
Marcus,M C Crockett said:Quicken Marcus, Quicken Jeff, et. al.: I have been a, somewhat, staunch defender of the new reconciliation feature in QM2016 3.5.2; however, I have just discovered a "bug" in this feature.
The first Reconcile window that is displayed opens with "Use Online Balance" selected. If the account is not configured for automatic transaction downloads, a box is displayed for the user to enter the account's current register cash balance.
If the account is configured for automatic transaction downloads, the amount displayed in the "Use Online Balance" box i the current register cash balance; however, this is not the case when the current register cash balance is negative. There appears to be a "sanity check" in the reconciliation logic that does not allow a negative cash balance to be reported. In this case, the balance displayed is the last positive cash balance in the register.
I discovered this problem in a retirement account that invests in a Unit Investment Trust. These are similar to a mutual fund but exist for a limited period of time usually 12 months. When the Unit Investment Trust matures, you can receive the current market value of your holdings or can use the current market value to buy shares in the next issuance of the Unit Investment Trust. I do the latter in this account.
This creates a strange accounting phenomenon on the date that the Unit Investment Trust matures. A Buy transaction for the next issuance of the Unit Investment Trust is recorded on the day that the last issuance matures; however, the cash needed for the Buy transaction will not be recorded until 3-5 days after the maturity of the previous issuance of the Unit Investment Trust. This will be downloaded as a Miscellaneous Income or Sell transaction, I forget which. If it is the former, you need to change it to a Sell transaction to remove the shares that no longer exist.
At any rate, this has a tremendous effect on the reconciliation process. The Buy transaction that caused the cash balance in the account to go negative is discarded. It is not displayed in the list of transactions to be reconciled in the shaded portion of the first Reconcile window. In addition, the balance displayed in the "Use Online Balance" box is not the current balance in the register. It is the cash balance displayed in the register before the discarded transaction.
If you switch to the "Use Statement Balance", Reconcile displays in the "Starting/Prior Balance" the correct value of all reconciled transactions in the account's register. Next, enter the account's current negative cash balance and click Next.
In the second Reconcile window, the "Quicken Balance" displayed on the left will be the previously reconciled balance plus the sum of any transactions that are marked as cleared in the Clr column. The "Statement Balance" on the right will be the current register account balance that you entered in the first Reconcile window. The discarded transaction will not be displayed in the second Reconcile window.
If you use the Mark all as "Cleared" button to mark all transactions displayed in the reconcile list as cleared, you find that the "Difference" is exactly equal to the amount of the discarded transaction.
While having a negative cash balance in "Cash" and "Savings" group accounts may be unusual but I am sure there are others do as I do and keep a $0.00 balance in their checking accounts, manually write checks and record them in the register, and later transfer money from a "Savings" group account for the amount of the checks written.
In "Investment" group accounts, it is fairly common to have a negative cash balance in the account. In "Brokerage" group accounts, you are allowed to purchase securities in excess of your cash balance in the account up to the limit of your margin. If you do so, the cash balance will be negative. Reconcile cannot discard transactions that cause the balance to go negative nor can it constrain the account balance to be a positive value.
A negative cash balance is far more common in "Retirement" group accounts, in particular, when you use an investment advisory service to manage the securities held in the account and what percentage each security be of the account's market value. When you make an RMD withdrawal, it triggers a number of Sell and Buy transactions to adjust your security holdings to the new market value of your retirement account. The transactions wil, generally, occur on a single day. The order in which the Sell and Buy transactions are recorded is random; however, Quicken tends to record all the Buy transactions before the Sell transactions resulting in a negative cash balance.
The apparent "sanity check" in the reconciliation logic that does not allow negative cash balances to be displayed and discards transactions that cause the cash balance to go negative must be removed for reconciliation to work properly.
Is there any talk of fixing this or returning to back to pre 3.5.2? It would seem to me that quite a few people are having problems but no action from Quicken yet. Why?0 -
@jacobs102_dar_70 said:The new owner was from Intuit along with an investor.The private equity firm H.I.G. Capital and Eric Dunn, the general manager of the Quicken brand will purchase the program and its brand. And I'd guess he brought some of the Intuit team with him so they maybe one in the same.
...they plugged on hole but opened another.
That is exactly part of my point. By forcing one solution they make it difficult of others. In QM2007, the process is simple...the starting balance is whatever you entered as the closing balance for the previous reconciliation period.
Offering to have QM2016 perform the calculation OR manually enter the starting balance at any time would avoid this issue and allow those who need it to continue as before. Clean-up can be performed later.
@M C Crokett thanks for the details about QWin reconciliation. I'm not saying there are suble differences between QWin and QMac. I am trying to highlight the issue at a larger scale.
All I am saying is that the model in QM2007 (and before) works really well. I have never had a problem that could not be easily resolved, even when transactions got altered via downloads, accidental changes, or minor data corruption. PLUS Having history has the added benefit of being able to re-reconcile (one use case is when matching is incorrect, grabbing a transaction with the right $ amount but the wrong payee match but is not detected until a later recon-period.)
BTW, is there the ability to re-reconcile a period already reconciled in QWin?Another common flaw is that neither QM2016 or QW2016 will report a negative balance in any account being reconciled. There is a tacit assumption in both products that account balances must be positive. This is, perhaps, a relatively safe assumption for banking accounts.
This assumption is incorrect. Bank accounts can go negative especially if you have overdraft protection. Credit card accounts can go negative with credits exceeding purchases, such as overpayment of a credit card balance, or depositing money prior to a purchase. These are just examples, so there are several use cases that should allow negative balances.
@Marcus, et al, are you taking note of this?Have Questions? Help Guide for Quicken for Mac
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(Canadian user since '92, STILL using QM2007)0 -
This negative balance issues seems to be in all the diifferent reconciliations areas. It is accepted in the register balance though. Don't understand they fixed the Zero issue but not the negative. We actually had the same program problems at work (State programmers) so don't feel bad.M C Crockett said:Quicken Marcus, Quicken Jeff, et. al.: I have been a, somewhat, staunch defender of the new reconciliation feature in QM2016 3.5.2; however, I have just discovered a "bug" in this feature.
The first Reconcile window that is displayed opens with "Use Online Balance" selected. If the account is not configured for automatic transaction downloads, a box is displayed for the user to enter the account's current register cash balance.
If the account is configured for automatic transaction downloads, the amount displayed in the "Use Online Balance" box i the current register cash balance; however, this is not the case when the current register cash balance is negative. There appears to be a "sanity check" in the reconciliation logic that does not allow a negative cash balance to be reported. In this case, the balance displayed is the last positive cash balance in the register.
I discovered this problem in a retirement account that invests in a Unit Investment Trust. These are similar to a mutual fund but exist for a limited period of time usually 12 months. When the Unit Investment Trust matures, you can receive the current market value of your holdings or can use the current market value to buy shares in the next issuance of the Unit Investment Trust. I do the latter in this account.
This creates a strange accounting phenomenon on the date that the Unit Investment Trust matures. A Buy transaction for the next issuance of the Unit Investment Trust is recorded on the day that the last issuance matures; however, the cash needed for the Buy transaction will not be recorded until 3-5 days after the maturity of the previous issuance of the Unit Investment Trust. This will be downloaded as a Miscellaneous Income or Sell transaction, I forget which. If it is the former, you need to change it to a Sell transaction to remove the shares that no longer exist.
At any rate, this has a tremendous effect on the reconciliation process. The Buy transaction that caused the cash balance in the account to go negative is discarded. It is not displayed in the list of transactions to be reconciled in the shaded portion of the first Reconcile window. In addition, the balance displayed in the "Use Online Balance" box is not the current balance in the register. It is the cash balance displayed in the register before the discarded transaction.
If you switch to the "Use Statement Balance", Reconcile displays in the "Starting/Prior Balance" the correct value of all reconciled transactions in the account's register. Next, enter the account's current negative cash balance and click Next.
In the second Reconcile window, the "Quicken Balance" displayed on the left will be the previously reconciled balance plus the sum of any transactions that are marked as cleared in the Clr column. The "Statement Balance" on the right will be the current register account balance that you entered in the first Reconcile window. The discarded transaction will not be displayed in the second Reconcile window.
If you use the Mark all as "Cleared" button to mark all transactions displayed in the reconcile list as cleared, you find that the "Difference" is exactly equal to the amount of the discarded transaction.
While having a negative cash balance in "Cash" and "Savings" group accounts may be unusual but I am sure there are others do as I do and keep a $0.00 balance in their checking accounts, manually write checks and record them in the register, and later transfer money from a "Savings" group account for the amount of the checks written.
In "Investment" group accounts, it is fairly common to have a negative cash balance in the account. In "Brokerage" group accounts, you are allowed to purchase securities in excess of your cash balance in the account up to the limit of your margin. If you do so, the cash balance will be negative. Reconcile cannot discard transactions that cause the balance to go negative nor can it constrain the account balance to be a positive value.
A negative cash balance is far more common in "Retirement" group accounts, in particular, when you use an investment advisory service to manage the securities held in the account and what percentage each security be of the account's market value. When you make an RMD withdrawal, it triggers a number of Sell and Buy transactions to adjust your security holdings to the new market value of your retirement account. The transactions wil, generally, occur on a single day. The order in which the Sell and Buy transactions are recorded is random; however, Quicken tends to record all the Buy transactions before the Sell transactions resulting in a negative cash balance.
The apparent "sanity check" in the reconciliation logic that does not allow negative cash balances to be displayed and discards transactions that cause the cash balance to go negative must be removed for reconciliation to work properly.0 -
Yes that is correct, when you enter a ending bank statement balance in QM 2007 for which you are reconciling, this will be your beginning balance on the next months reconciliation, so I don't understand your point as though this is some arbitrary number that just gets inserted with no integrity......it is exactly the same on your bank statement. Is it really pulled from just the ending balance figure or is added up from all cleared transactions, I personally don't know or think it's important because they should be one in the same. I never had any trouble with the beginning balance.102_dar_70 said:The new owner was from Intuit along with an investor.The private equity firm H.I.G. Capital and Eric Dunn, the general manager of the Quicken brand will purchase the program and its brand. And I'd guess he brought some of the Intuit team with him so they maybe one in the same.
No matter how your beginning balance is pulled from, it must be your prior months statement ending balance to begin the next month to do a proper reconciliation. No matter which method Quicken uses to establish the beginning statement balance, it has to be the ending balance from last month period. IMO, the reason Quicken decided to change to adding up all the cleared transactions in the account to establish a beginning balance is so if your register is not really balanced thru and thru for what ever reason, you will see it in the Quicken Statement/prior balance (AKA Beginning Balance) compared to whats on your statement and know something went amuck and has no integrity to even start a reconciliation which means it needs correcting before you can begin a valid reconciliation which is due to the unique issues inherent in the future generations of Quicken. Each month is not like an Isolated event like you opened and closed your account each month, it is the ongoing activities on your account as a whole. So if a users could change things or make up their own rules of reconciliation before or Quicken has a programming glitch that affects this function, they may have a problem now with the Quicken beginning statement balance not corresponding to the bank statement and no point in trying to reconcile until you find the problem.
The issues here should be why are some users out of balance and not others and how to help them find a method to trouble shoot finding the transactions causing the problem. I have posted we need a history of our recons which you can get in QM2007 so you can find where you became out of balance whether it be user or something in the program we need a way to research it.0 -
Note: For historical information, in the USE STATEMENT BALANCE section, the Statement/Prior Bal should have a corresponding date that was the balance in your account as reflected on the current bank statement displayed along with the Ending statement Balance and date. This will certainly be needed to create a history record as it is in QM2007.102_dar_70 said:The new owner was from Intuit along with an investor.The private equity firm H.I.G. Capital and Eric Dunn, the general manager of the Quicken brand will purchase the program and its brand. And I'd guess he brought some of the Intuit team with him so they maybe one in the same.
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New item; I can't seem to find a "Cancel/Void" transaction function such as a canceled check, stopped payment check or NSF, etc. which I have two of right now. I don't want to delete it because I will have a gap in check numbers that can confuse me later and I want a record of what happened. Was there ever one in this version of Quicken it was in QM2007 don't understand why the basic functions well established in the banking business would be taken out.102_dar_70 said:The new owner was from Intuit along with an investor.The private equity firm H.I.G. Capital and Eric Dunn, the general manager of the Quicken brand will purchase the program and its brand. And I'd guess he brought some of the Intuit team with him so they maybe one in the same.
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I didn't review my previous post carefully enough. There should have been a not in the following paragraph.102_dar_70 said:The new owner was from Intuit along with an investor.The private equity firm H.I.G. Capital and Eric Dunn, the general manager of the Quicken brand will purchase the program and its brand. And I'd guess he brought some of the Intuit team with him so they maybe one in the same.
Another common flaw is that neither QM2016 or QW2016 will not report a
As I have mentioned more than once in this forum, my "production" version of Quicken is the Quicken Premier variant of QW2016. I run QM2016 in a "permanent test mode" and will continue to do so until QM2016 implements support for all the QW2016 investment transactions that I use.
negative balance in any account being reconciled. There is a tacit
assumption in both products that account balances must be positive.
This is, perhaps, a relatively safe assumption for banking accounts.
This is not a safe assumption for investment accounts. As an example,
my brokerage does not dynamically create a margin account in Quicken
when I purchase securities on margin. It decrements my cash balance by
the amount that I borrowed on margin leaving a negative cash balance.
The reconciliation methodology implemented in QW2016 was introduced to Mac users of Quicken in QM2016 3.5.2. The goal of my exercise this morning was to see if there were any differences between the QW2016 and QM2016 implementations.
For all intents and purposes the reconciliation logic in QM2016 is the same as the logic in QW2016. The flaws that users have reported in the QM2016 3.5.2 Discussion thread exist in QW2016 albeit with some minor differences related to reconciling online.
@smayer97, @jacobs: If you are reconciling to an old paper statement, both QM2016 and QW2017 allow you to enter the beginning balance from your statement, the ending date, and the ending balance. Both calculate an adjustment to be entered in your register that is the difference between the balance you entered and the reconciled balance in Quicken. Neither will allow you to reconcile a specific month in the past without changing all transactions after the ending date of your statement from reconciled to cleared at a minimum to avoid the insertion of an incorrect adjustment entry.
So, Eric Dunn is achieving his stated goal of parity between the QMAC and QWIN products. At the moment, I'm not sure which emoticon I should use: or .0 -
102_dar_70 QM2016 does not have a VOID transaction function like QM2007. It was not taken out. QM2016 was re-written from the ground up, starting with QEM in 2010 and is not a continuation of QM2007. For more on the history of how we got here, see the following compilation: https://getsatisfaction.com/quickencommunity/topics/quicken-mac-faq-why-is-the-current-version-of-qu...102_dar_70 said:The new owner was from Intuit along with an investor.The private equity firm H.I.G. Capital and Eric Dunn, the general manager of the Quicken brand will purchase the program and its brand. And I'd guess he brought some of the Intuit team with him so they maybe one in the same.
That said, you currently have to manually perform the steps to VOID a transactions:- write VOID at start of Payee name
- zero out the amount (you may want to record the original amount in the memo field
- Manually reconcile the transaction click Option-Clicking the CLR field until the reconciled flag appears.
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(Canadian user since '92, STILL using QM2007)0 -
M C Crockett Thx...what about the question "is there the ability to re-reconcile a period already reconciled in QWin?"102_dar_70 said:The new owner was from Intuit along with an investor.The private equity firm H.I.G. Capital and Eric Dunn, the general manager of the Quicken brand will purchase the program and its brand. And I'd guess he brought some of the Intuit team with him so they maybe one in the same.
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(Canadian user since '92, STILL using QM2007)0 -
When there is not a balance between the two and you decide to click "Done" is when you get the popup message to enter an adjustment or not. This is an option that should not be taken to mean Quicken is requiring you to enter an adjustment for this difference (inbalance) it's just that it knows in order to be balanced/reconciled you must be at a ZERO difference. This should not be used but in the most minor of instances like for a few cents. In the finance world this is what was called an "unrec", short for an unreconciled difference entry because time is money too and to waste a bunch of labor time on finding less than a dollar discrepancy is not prudent and if utilized in Quicken, it should place a cleared entry in the register to documented and so you are not off for this same instance each month thereafter. If it is for more than 1 dollar or even 5 dollars then you should go back over things find out why you are not balancing and a good rule is to divide the unbalanced difference amount in half because it may be you just entered a transaction in as a deposit instead of disbursement or visa versa which is common and easy to do in Quicken. I do not use the adjustment feature so I don't know if Quicken is putting a transaction entry into the register and marking it cleared, if it isn't it should and maybe contributing to the problems now for users who utilized that adjustment function. This should be looked at and verified one way or another to insure adjustments are being posted correctly to not cause problems. I can see if Quicken just makes the adjustment and it is hidden in the background somewhere and not picked up when it calculates all cleared transactions for a new reconciliation, the beginning balance no doubt will not match the bank beginning balance right from the get go.102_dar_70 said:The new owner was from Intuit along with an investor.The private equity firm H.I.G. Capital and Eric Dunn, the general manager of the Quicken brand will purchase the program and its brand. And I'd guess he brought some of the Intuit team with him so they maybe one in the same.
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Response to smayer97, I handled it as barbaric and stupid a work around again. I know they reinvented the wheel after 2007 due to programming language format, layout and some online enhancements not because the accounting principles and applications changed. Going back and learning from the QM2007's functionality could only help improve things. It certainly allows users to see how and where the current product is deficient in it's delivery. As the old saying goes, you don't throw out the baby with the bathwater.102_dar_70 said:The new owner was from Intuit along with an investor.The private equity firm H.I.G. Capital and Eric Dunn, the general manager of the Quicken brand will purchase the program and its brand. And I'd guess he brought some of the Intuit team with him so they maybe one in the same.
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Response to smayer97, I handled it as barbaric and stupid a work around again and now it's a reconcilable item even though it never hit the bank so now if I check it off manually as "Clr" so it is not an outstanding transaction it will be included in next months beginning balance calculation of all cleared items which be off. Or it will always be an unreconciled item each and every month forever which would never occur if Quicken had the simple a void function. I am not impressed with stripping down necessary functions. This is why Intuit basically dumped what became a stepchild and I thought the logic was to raise to up to the reputation it once was honored as the best of the best out there.102_dar_70 said:The new owner was from Intuit along with an investor.The private equity firm H.I.G. Capital and Eric Dunn, the general manager of the Quicken brand will purchase the program and its brand. And I'd guess he brought some of the Intuit team with him so they maybe one in the same.
I know they reinvented the wheel after 2007 due to programming language format, layout and some online enhancements not because the accounting principles and applications changed. Going back and learning from the QM2007's functionality could only help improve things. It certainly allows users to see how and where the current product is deficient in it's delivery. As the old saying goes, you don't throw out the baby with the bathwater.0 -
I get where you are coming from but keep in mind that it takes time to put back all the features we had gotten used to in QM2007. Believe me I feel your pain (I'm still stuck on QM2007 because of a lack of features). BUT it took Intuit a long time to get their affairs up to speed with lots of failed starts and restarts at releasing a modern version of Quicken for Mac. QEM was very lacking when it finally came out and has needed a LOT of work to get it to where QM2016 is today. Keep in mind that there have only been 2 major releases of Quicken for Mac since QEM was released in 2010, both in the less than 2 years.102_dar_70 said:The new owner was from Intuit along with an investor.The private equity firm H.I.G. Capital and Eric Dunn, the general manager of the Quicken brand will purchase the program and its brand. And I'd guess he brought some of the Intuit team with him so they maybe one in the same.
Now with Quicken on its own, and placing significant effort in beefing up the Mac Dev team, first with a new manager and now with some new developers, there will be more traction on these things. Only time will tell how well they execute but there is still hope...but it takes time.Have Questions? Help Guide for Quicken for Mac
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(Canadian user since '92, STILL using QM2007)0 -
@smayer97: I answered that question. QM2016 and QW2016 do not really support re-reconciling earlier time periods.102_dar_70 said:The new owner was from Intuit along with an investor.The private equity firm H.I.G. Capital and Eric Dunn, the general manager of the Quicken brand will purchase the program and its brand. And I'd guess he brought some of the Intuit team with him so they maybe one in the same.
I believe that QW2014 was the last version of Quicken Windows that would allow you to go back and re-reconcile an earlier time period. In addition, I believe that QW2014 was used as a template to implement reconciliation in QM2015 and QM2016 through version 3.4.1.
I used QW2015 only briefly as it wouldn't run under my Windows XP virtual machine due to its .NET requirements. When I switched to a Windows 10 virtual machine, I installed it long enough to perform the data base conversion needed for the upgrade to QW2016 under Windows 10 when it was released.
My biggest problem during the first half of 2015 was that Quicken Converter was based on QW2015 and wouldn't run under Windows XP. I could no longer create a QXF file to import my data into QM2015.0 -
@smayer97: Quicken Windows does have a void function. Whether it is like the one implemented in QM2007 I haven't a clue.102_dar_70 said:The new owner was from Intuit along with an investor.The private equity firm H.I.G. Capital and Eric Dunn, the general manager of the Quicken brand will purchase the program and its brand. And I'd guess he brought some of the Intuit team with him so they maybe one in the same.
To void a check, select the transaction and type Ctrl+V or click on the gear in the lower right corner of the transaction and select Void in the context sensitive pop-up window menu.0 -
@102_dar_70, @smayer97: The void transaction(s) function in QWIN inserts the string **VOID** at the beginning of the Payee field, clears the Payment or Deposit field, and marks the transaction(s) as cleared.102_dar_70 said:The new owner was from Intuit along with an investor.The private equity firm H.I.G. Capital and Eric Dunn, the general manager of the Quicken brand will purchase the program and its brand. And I'd guess he brought some of the Intuit team with him so they maybe one in the same.
The transaction(s) will be marked as reconciled the next time that you reconcile and will have no impact on the beginning or ending balances.0 -
This is not the function in MAC, we are not concerned with WINDOWS FUNCTIONS HERE THIS Quicken for Mac 2016 Release 3.5.2 Discussion. IF IT WORKED LIKE WINDOWS THEN WE WOULD NOT BE HAVING THIS DISCUSSION. STOP CONFUSING THE ISSUE PLEASE AND STAY ON THE TOPIC.102_dar_70 said:The new owner was from Intuit along with an investor.The private equity firm H.I.G. Capital and Eric Dunn, the general manager of the Quicken brand will purchase the program and its brand. And I'd guess he brought some of the Intuit team with him so they maybe one in the same.
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What I have learned here is Quicken for MAC is not programmed as well as for Windows since the consensus is the Windows market has a larger consumer base that maybe true in business world to a point, but my experience is they don't upgrade their workers PC's until it's a must and I know from a very larger employer. We were outdated with the upgrade they gave us when the IT dept could justify the expense to upgrade us. Mac's are more superior, secure and stable as an operating system that is gaining more popularity over windows in the small private business world and personal users. Yes, the MAC costs more which is the only reason the bigger companies don't switch not because windows is a better operating system. Quicken's lack of attention in this area will be a mistake. I still have my first MAC computer and it still works after 10 years later and now I have 2 computers only because some applications had higher computer system requirements and I couldn't upgrade it so I now have their latest and greatest too and ecstatic. Not so with windows based computers I had to computer from manufactures that I believed put out a solid computer at that time but the operating system was windows so eventually I had problems even though I upgraded the internal components that bought me a little more time never gave me the performance of a MAC and I was forced to get another computer. I also love the way the MAC can talk to my other devices e.g. iPhone seamlessly, Hope Quicken understands how much the user population loves Apple products and invests in making Quicken for Apple an application to be in demand.102_dar_70 said:The new owner was from Intuit along with an investor.The private equity firm H.I.G. Capital and Eric Dunn, the general manager of the Quicken brand will purchase the program and its brand. And I'd guess he brought some of the Intuit team with him so they maybe one in the same.
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P.S. Big business will use Quickbooks which Intuit still retained. So Quicken is for small business or personal users and the IMAC should have an equal stake in the future of Quicken in general.102_dar_70 said:The new owner was from Intuit along with an investor.The private equity firm H.I.G. Capital and Eric Dunn, the general manager of the Quicken brand will purchase the program and its brand. And I'd guess he brought some of the Intuit team with him so they maybe one in the same.
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I'm so sorry you're having a hard time. You will get the help you need. I'm praying for you now.Bob Harris said:When will it be out? Will it let us set the prior balance in the window to agree with our calculated balance for Reconciling? That's the dilemma for me. My balance was always perfect til 3.51 which created a balance I couldn't change
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Hi All,
First, thank you for continuing to give us feedback on your experience with the 3.5.2 release--though they're unable to reply to everyone (due to the huge response!) they are reading and reviewing all of the posts in this thread so they can resolve any emerging issues as quickly as possible.
We know that the 3.5.2 release has created confusion around reconciling in Quicken Mac - while this feature won't be reverted, we do want to help users correct any issues that 3.5.2 caused with existing data. Marcus and his team are working on a more comprehensive guide to using and troubleshooting the new reconcile feature. which we'll post here early next week. If you'd like to be notified when this guide is posted, please "Follow" this post.
If you're experiencing an issue with online banking after updating, this could have a few different root causes related to account setup or the data file, so we recommend you contact our support channel to troubleshoot the specific issue. You can also review our Announcements section of the community to make sure there aren't any current issues with your bank that are already being worked on by our development teams.
Thank you, all, for your help and patience!
Quicken KathrynQuicken Kathryn
Community Administrator0 -
This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled 3.5.2 creates multiple problems.
I just installed the 3.5.2 update and it has created chaos. Like many who have posted here, hidden accounts are reappearing. I hide them, then the next time I sync, there are unhidden again. I am also getting sync errors on one of the hidden accounts. That account is not set up to sync online because the bank does not support it. Not sure why Quicken is now trying to sync it and giving me errors when, unsurprisingly, it can't. There are also errors about resetting the cloud data. I didn't pay too much attention to those, because my iOS Quicken app quit working properly after a long-ago update, so I have quit using that feature.0 -
The only thing dar left out is that "veteran" developers secretly continue to hope and even contribute to the idea Apple will die. They stumble along at half speed with half backed code, all the while excusing their ineptitude by whining that Mac is harder than what they're used to. I had a boss once who (as a programmer herself) stopped that by bluntly and firmly saying, "You're a programer. Program!" And I'm not sure of the stats on Windows vs Mac Quicken users. It's a simple dollars and sense and good will strategy for any business to give priority service to their largest base. "The squeaky wheel gets the grease."102_dar_70 said:The new owner was from Intuit along with an investor.The private equity firm H.I.G. Capital and Eric Dunn, the general manager of the Quicken brand will purchase the program and its brand. And I'd guess he brought some of the Intuit team with him so they maybe one in the same.
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I'm still holding at Version 3.4.1 also. I did follow tips about going back and finding uncleared transactions and so on, but still not going to upgrade until this forum shows *SIGNIFICANT* progress by Quicken to analyze and correct their immature and premature releases to date.John Parker said:I am on 3.4.1 & am, for now, "refusing" the 3.5.2 update.. Am just checking back here periodically waiting for an update with better news - think that's a sound idea? (I have 2 dozen accounts including bank, credit cards & investments & all seems well for now & - frankly - am not eager to update hearing all these horror stories)
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Bill, I think we can all agree that the market for QW vs QM is much larger. Apple has increased its share but IMHO will never get close to the volume of folks using Windows based machines. Still the number of folks using Mac's as a stand alone plus MAC users having to partition their MAC hard drives to run QW is also getting larger. From all I have read here is that those folks want very much to run QM directly on their MAC's102_dar_70 said:The new owner was from Intuit along with an investor.The private equity firm H.I.G. Capital and Eric Dunn, the general manager of the Quicken brand will purchase the program and its brand. And I'd guess he brought some of the Intuit team with him so they maybe one in the same.
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Bill, the Quicken Mac team at Intuit, once rebuilt in 2012 and 2013, was quite small. (I don't know an exact count, but it was quite small.) But the new CEO pledged to double the size of the Mac programming team this year, in order to accelerate development of new features and work towards bringing the feature set of the Mac product closer to Quicken Windows. It will probably take another year until we can judge how successfully they are executing.102_dar_70 said:The new owner was from Intuit along with an investor.The private equity firm H.I.G. Capital and Eric Dunn, the general manager of the Quicken brand will purchase the program and its brand. And I'd guess he brought some of the Intuit team with him so they maybe one in the same.
Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 19930 -
Can you tell us where we can find these announcements to MAC users please.102_dar_70 said:The new owner was from Intuit along with an investor.The private equity firm H.I.G. Capital and Eric Dunn, the general manager of the Quicken brand will purchase the program and its brand. And I'd guess he brought some of the Intuit team with him so they maybe one in the same.
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Bill, all indications so far are than no bugs have been found in the new reconcile procedure -- that the problems all are tied to the state of the transactions in users' data files. The official response from Quicken says they will be putting out a troubleshooting guide to help users find and fix reconcile problems, not a bug fix. No problem waiting awhile, though.John Parker said:I am on 3.4.1 & am, for now, "refusing" the 3.5.2 update.. Am just checking back here periodically waiting for an update with better news - think that's a sound idea? (I have 2 dozen accounts including bank, credit cards & investments & all seems well for now & - frankly - am not eager to update hearing all these horror stories)
Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 19930 -
They come in various places. The one I was referring to just above was in one of two videos of CEO Eric Dunn to customers about Quicken being sold.102_dar_70 said:The new owner was from Intuit along with an investor.The private equity firm H.I.G. Capital and Eric Dunn, the general manager of the Quicken brand will purchase the program and its brand. And I'd guess he brought some of the Intuit team with him so they maybe one in the same.
Watch the video here.
Or here, read an article about what he says in that video regarding Quicken for Mac. the one quote: "On the Mac team, we’re bringing in a new product manager starting this coming Monday," said Quicken head Eric Dunn. "We have plans within the calendar year to double the engineering team, so we can do the work we need to do to bring Mac closer to the feature set of Windows over the next quarters and years."Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 19930 -
The following Computerworld article also provides some additional information on the outlook for the Quicken Mac and Windows product lines.102_dar_70 said:The new owner was from Intuit along with an investor.The private equity firm H.I.G. Capital and Eric Dunn, the general manager of the Quicken brand will purchase the program and its brand. And I'd guess he brought some of the Intuit team with him so they maybe one in the same.