R42.21 - Amex OL-294-A error.



  • dfox2
    dfox2 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    I'm getting same err or both Amex accounts. Sounds like Quick issue. R42.19
  • Jeffrey Litvak
    Jeffrey Litvak Member ✭✭✭
    edited August 2022
    Reporting, yet again, that OL-294-A occurs when attempting to download transactions from American Express. This seems to be a monthly occurrence. Has anyone from Quicken been in touch with American Express to figure out why this seems to be occurring with such maddening regularity? If so, is there a correction ETA? Until this is fixed, it is impossible to download Amex transactions.
  • nmccollu
    nmccollu Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Same issue here. Started late yesterday...
  • Jmastrogiorgio
    Jmastrogiorgio Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Hi - Not sure if the following will help with troubleshooting but thought it was worth sharing. After receiving the OL-294-A error message I went into my Amex online account to download transactions from their page. They had posted a message that they had made changes in their system for Quicken customers and that we should deactivate/reactivate the online service. I am sorry I followed their instructions. I could only link one of my two accounts to the downloaded transactions. The only option for the second account was to accept the transactions as a new account. But instead of creating one account, it created 3! One of the 3 is the second card but the other 2 are empty accounts labeled "supplementary". Certainly interesting!
  • renoscarab
    renoscarab Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    OL-294-A - just like everyone else. Please fix this, I thought that's why we were forced in to a subscription service, so you could quickly fix issues.
  • @jmastrogiorgio - I think those "supplementary" accounts are for other authorized signers on your credit card.  You can simply say "Do not add to Quicken".  If you have already added those accounts to Quicken, you can simply delete the accounts.  The transactions from those accounts should be included with the transactions in the main account.
  • Jmastrogiorgio
    Jmastrogiorgio Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    @Damian - Excellent point and makes complete sense. Thank you!
  • tribbiani
    tribbiani Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Yes this is a MAJOR CHANGE... I was able to start the account deactivate/activate process, but bailed once Amex presented me with SEPARATE ACCOUNTS for each card holder. This is not how it used to work. I have since been unable to re-start the deactivate/activate process due to the "overloaded" error. Hopefully this gets fixed soon.
  • tribbiani
    tribbiani Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Yup, Amex/Quicken is down and not working. Apparently, Amex changed some things and Quicken had an update. One of those broke things. Been going on for a couple of days. There's a very long thread on the forum, check there for updates (search for "Amex" and you'll see it).
  • @tribbiani - all you need to do is to exclude them from being added to Quicken.  All the activity for these "supplementary" accounts should be in your main account, so those other accounts are not needed and can be excluded or deleted.
  • tribbiani
    tribbiani Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    BTW, kudos to the Quicken folks for merging these threads. It's actually really nice just to check the one for the latest updates. Thank you!
  • joecomm
    joecomm Member ✭✭
    I am getting the OL-294-A error on American Express downloads.

    When I click on the "?" next to the error, a unhelpful secondary window is opened titled "Online Banking Error: More Info".

    At the bottom of this window is a section called "What do I do now" that has links to Quicken Support and Quicken Chat Support.

    These links are very old, don't work and bring up IE 11 browser if opened!

    This needs to be finally fixed.
  • Jerry Pederson
    Jerry Pederson Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2022
    I am getting a 294-A error returned after an attempted update of the account.

    Is anybody else experiencing this?
  • BK
    BK Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    - QWin Deluxe user since 2010, US subscription on Win11
    - I don't use Cloud Sync, Mobile & Web, Bill Pay/Mgr

  • reynolds47
    reynolds47 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Started having the error this morning (8/1), and not only is AMEX inaccessible, but some transaction errors happened, too, in other accounts. Stop and return to last good backup. WAFU.
  • aligagnon
    aligagnon Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    I am using window 11, start yesterday Aug 1st, I cannot connect to American express account. Does someone know how to fix the issue?
  • Camlin
    Camlin Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    edited August 2022
    As usual since I updated the latest release of Quicken something else doesn't work [Removed - Disruptive]. When will you fix the problem of Amex not downloading transactions and not even being able to reconnect to my account?
    Quicken should stick to the old adage - If it ain't broke don't fix it.
    Another mistake on my part for updating the "improvements"
  • Gene in Florida
    Gene in Florida Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Check your AMEX account number in Quicken. Does it look weird/corrupted? Mine does. Only the last 5 digits looked correct. I changed the account number to match my card number. It still fails.
    Quicken Deluxe release 42.21. I tried the 'Reset Account' button in Quicken. Still fails.
  • wmacdonald1969
    wmacdonald1969 Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    It's been a few days now that Quicken won't let me download the transactions for my American Express credit card. I've not changed the password for that account. No idea why Quicken can't connect any more. I have the latest version of Quicken on my Windows laptop. Transactions download successfully from all my other bank and CC accounts.

    I get the following error message: "During the last online session, Quicken encountered an online error (OL-294-A). Quicken is unable to complete your request. Please try again later. The server was unable to process your request at this time. It could be busy or currently unavailable."

    Has the Amex server gone offline? Anyone else having this same issue? Any ideas how I can fix this?

  • Gsec I
    Gsec I Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    I've been getting this error, and haven't been able to download transactions since I downloaded the update on Friday, 7/29.
  • pjusken2
    pjusken2 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    This was also my 2nd day of OL294A for AMEX. So I decided to DEACTIVATE online service. I then closed Quicken and restarted it. I activated Amex and it seems to have resolved my problem.
  • Rick Lawrence
    Rick Lawrence Member ✭✭
    I have the same issue.

    btw, I've found that I often get better response from the Quicken team by not calling them out for "incompetence"
  • Chinavat
    Chinavat Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    Answer ✓
    I've been having the same issue for the past 2 days. I just saw a post that Quicken states that they have noticed an issue and are working internally to fix it.
  • Joe Swauger
    Joe Swauger Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    I too have not been able to update American Express since July 29th. I have tried resetting the account. I am able to log into AMEX from my browser.
  • Shelley Belle
    Shelley Belle Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    I am also having this problem. Have their been any answers?
  • Shelley Belle
    Shelley Belle Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Have THERE been any answers I meant.
  • h2045
    h2045 Member ✭✭
    I`m having the same issue. Started yesterday before I did the update.
  • DaveO52
    DaveO52 Member ✭✭✭
    Me too ... OL-294-A from American Express. This is the second day I have received this error. The first day was August 1. I'm Running Windows 10. I'm on Quicken Version R42.21 Build
  • EllisGJ
    EllisGJ Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    edited August 2022
    Deactivated and was unable to reactivate. Problem persists.
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