Quicken is S L O W - Everyone affected Please chime in.
When is it slow?
Upon opening Quicken - YES
Running OSU - YES
Simply clicking any account in the ACCOUNTS panel to display a different one - YES
Displaying a report - YES
It's slow, slow, slow all the time. It has been like this for probably close to a year.
Time to load Quicken from taskbar icon click to display of checking account register: 47.5 seconds
Time from clicking Update Accounts icon to dialog box display: 50.6 seconds
Time to perform One-Step Update with 1 checking, 1 savings, 1 credit card, 1 IRA accounts: 1 minute 24.4 seconds
Processor 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-12900 2.40 GHz
Installed RAM 32.0 GB (31.7 GB usable)
Product ID 00355-60804-84665-AAOEM
System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
Pen and touch No pen or touch input is available for this display
Edition Windows 11 Pro
Version 22H2
Installed on 7/12/2023
OS build 22621.1992
Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.22644.1000.0User of Quicken for Windows Home & Business Edition since the day after Microsoft abandoned its superb Microsoft Money product.
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Hi all, just to emphasize what @Quicken Jasmine said, we really need sanitized data files. If you are willing, please go to Help> Report a Problem and upload that once you have sanitized the file so we can forward this to the appropriate team to be looked into further for troubleshooting. Thank you so much and thank you for your patience.
Quicken Janean
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@tbf47 - you are spot on! I have also wondered what the demographic is of Quicken users. I also suspect it skews to the Baby Boomer generation. Just look at the posts on these boards and the number of posters who have datafiles that are 20, 25 or 30 years old! (I am one of them).
the younger generation tends not to use laptops - everything is via their phone. They are apt to use their bank's website and are comfortable paying bills via the biller's website or via auto-debit to their checking account (hence Bill Pay slowly dies) or via a debit or credit card or payment platform such as Paypal or Zelle.
They do not write checks. Check usage at BofA is down almost 90% since 2007-2008 time frame. (they advertized 11mm checked processed per night in 2007 and now they process about 1 million per night). Transactions are alternatively completed via payment platforms (Paypal / Zelle), interback transfers, higher use of credit cards and debit cards.
They don't reconcile their bank account. Think about it, if you are not writing checks,what is there to reconcile? That is the main reason to reconcile: figure out what checks have been written that have not cleared. (It's not the only reason). But frankly, most other transactions types are 'real time' or near real-time, so what is there to reconcile?
Banks have become very concerned about data security over time, hence the advent of EWC+. That appears to be a slow down OSU and cause frustration at a lot of FIs with two-way authentication, etc. FYI: transactions all go from the FIs to Intuit as Quicken's intermediary.
I do believe that Quicken is a legacy of the loyal customers from the 1980's and 1990s. But the financial landscape has changed. As I have used Quicken for 30 years, as long as it lasts another 15 years, I think I am all set (if you catch my drift!).
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@Quicken Jasmine the"Report a Problem" after sanitizing has been sent…. I also linked this discussion to them in the report in case there is something here that may help them.
I hope many folks here will send in their "Report a 'Problem" after sanitizing their file…..
Windows 11 (2 separate computers)..... Quicken Premier.. HAVE USED QUICKEN CONTINUOUSLY SINCE 1985.
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@Mark1104 when I worked ran 2 companies on Quicken for years. I started with Quicken for DOS. It drove the accounting firm crazy because they could not integrate any of into whatever they were using. They had to key all of it in. It worked great for me. When my oldest started working after school and summers years ago, we sat down to show her the whole checkbook thing. She never got it. We now have 2 successful adult children. who never write checks. When I ask how do you know what your checking account balance is they look at the phone app. Because they don't write checks, every expenditure is instantly transacted. Like you, I just hope Quicken lasts longer than I do. I am of the belief that Quicken does not have a financial incentive to fix the software. They do regular updates but imo I am not sure one them in the last few years has made a substantive impact on my interaction with the software. I wonder if any of this is due comms/bandwidth interactions at the Q servers. Sort of like rolling blackouts. The fact is when they look at actuarial tables, they may know when 90% of us will be gone from this earth.
My suggestion is to develop a user defined feature to effectively purge to an offline accessible file, accounts, transactions ranges and unused securities with their associated data. If they don't know how ask Elon Musk he could do it while he is drinking his Diet Coke. LOL
Windows 10 * Quicken Premier user.
Quicken user since 198x something. Started with Quicken for DOS 5.X
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Just sent my sanitized files. Quicken is so slow it took almost two minutes for the Report A Problem dialog box to display after selecting it from the Help menu.
User of Quicken for Windows Home & Business Edition since the day after Microsoft abandoned its superb Microsoft Money product.
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Hello All,
Thank you for taking the time to visit the Community and reporting this issue here, though we apologize that you are experiencing this.
This has been escalated internally, though we do not have an ETA on resolution at this time. While the investigation remains ongoing, please refer to this Community Alert for any and all available updates.
We apologize for any inconvenience in the meantime! Thank you.
-Quicken Anja
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@DotCom I am glad you reported the problems in the slowness in reporting. I have had the same experience. I have even had the reporting feature crash the program. I had forgotten to include that in my communications with Quicken and this thread over the last year. IMO, that tends to support my concept of a some sort of a Quicken Server/Comms Quicken communications problem. One of the problems with my suggestion is how would not effect everyone the same. Unless we are not accessing the quicken mother ship via the same ' comms port'.
Windows 10 * Quicken Premier user.
Quicken user since 198x something. Started with Quicken for DOS 5.X
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For the most part, it's "fine". OSU is slow due to the EWC (I think that's the ones that slow things down).
However, for some reason when I go into my register for 401(k), it's hideously slow when I have to enter transactions. Checking register is just fine. Have several 401(k) accounts, and they're all hideously slow when going into the register section. Only thing I can think of is due to the holding/pricing tracking. But who knows. Been this way for years, regardless of PC hardware/etc.
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I do believe that the common denominator in all of these program unacceptable response delays is attempted to communicate with Quicken servers for any reason. Except security price updates. They fixed that. Once my data is on board I have no issues. Hey @Quicken Jasmine. Maybe it could be a similar issue? I am not an analyst but my medical a/r company debugged its own software. This group represents a plethora of highly experienced users. It should be a debuggers dream.
Windows 10 * Quicken Premier user.
Quicken user since 198x something. Started with Quicken for DOS 5.X
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@tbf47 I'm not so sure it's solely related to Q's servers. When I click in the accounts list to display a different account register, it takes forever, and I doubt there's anything external happening. Same when I clicked in the Help menu to display the Report A Problem dialog box. But, it wouldn't be the first time I'm wrong.
User of Quicken for Windows Home & Business Edition since the day after Microsoft abandoned its superb Microsoft Money product.
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Thank you to the leaders of this forum for escaalting this. I hope it bears fruit…
And THX to those who sanitized their file and completed the "Report a Problem" procedure….
Windows 11 (2 separate computers)..... Quicken Premier.. HAVE USED QUICKEN CONTINUOUSLY SINCE 1985.
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Has anyone else uploaded sanitized files? Would be nice to keep a tally of how many have.
User of Quicken for Windows Home & Business Edition since the day after Microsoft abandoned its superb Microsoft Money product.
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Did mine….. and linked this thread in the comments of the report…. info here may be of some help also….
Guys/gals if you haven't sent the Report a Problem with sanitized file please do……
Windows 11 (2 separate computers)..... Quicken Premier.. HAVE USED QUICKEN CONTINUOUSLY SINCE 1985.
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I sent mine also.
Windows 10 * Quicken Premier user.
Quicken user since 198x something. Started with Quicken for DOS 5.X
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Is everyone having program slowness (as opposed to OSU slowness) running Windows 11?
I'm on Win10 and QWin runs fine. I don't have access to Win11 but wonder whether there is some kind of compatibility setting which can be set on the QWin executable in Win11 which might help.
Quicken user since version 2 for DOS, as of 2025 using QWin Premier (US) on Win10 Pro & Win11 Pro on 2 PCs.
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@Rocket J Squirrel here is a link:
Click on Windows (US & Canada) under the Desktop Heading:
Windows (US & Canada)
- Computer: 1 GHz or higher
- Operating System:
- Windows 8 & 8.1
- Windows 10. Not compatible with Windows 10 in S mode. For more information about S mode, click here.
- Windows 11. Not compatible with Windows 11 in S mode. For more information about S mode, click here.
- Memory: Minimum 1 GB RAM
- Hard Disk Space: Minimum 450 MB free disk space; 1.5 GB if .NET is not installed
- Monitor: 1024x768 or higher screen resolution, 1280x1024 minimum for Large Fonts settings
- Internet Connection: High-speed internet connection recommended for product download and use of online services
- Online access is required for activation
Additional software:
- Microsoft .NET 4.6 or newer (Quicken installer will install .NET if it's not already installed on the system)
Windows 11 (2 separate computers)..... Quicken Premier.. HAVE USED QUICKEN CONTINUOUSLY SINCE 1985.
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@retird Irrelevant to the issue. That just says QWin will run on Win11, period.
Quicken user since version 2 for DOS, as of 2025 using QWin Premier (US) on Win10 Pro & Win11 Pro on 2 PCs.
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I appreciate sharing the minimum requirements to run Quicken and know that they are important. Speaking for myself, I know from experience that many times I.T. problem solvers seemingly assume it is the users hardware. Maybe this is partially how we got here because Quicken indeed may have reached out to a handful of superusers and who may not have the issue. So, it is dismissed as a localized user hardware or settings issue. I have communicated with a few of the superusers who have been very kind to offer suggestions centered around verifying hardware and Windows settings. They have no issues and have files just as big or bigger than mine. My operating system and hardware exceeds the minimum. The COO's representative in conversation with me immediately was taking me down the path of removing a lot of data from my working file. Really, they saw no other option than the elimination of data, I asked the analyst is this the only fix? The answer was yes. Why would they do that unless everyone was being directed to do the same? This problem may have begun with a Windows or Quicken Update. The Microsoft person thought this was a Quicken issue and should be fixable, but Quicken will have to fix it. I like many on here am a probably a 20+ year experience user. I don't jack around with my box that Quicken runs on. I appreciate that the community page working together to help Quicken figure this out.
Windows 10 * Quicken Premier user.
Quicken user since 198x something. Started with Quicken for DOS 5.X
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I think you are talking about running Quicken in "compatability mode". The info I posted says (the way I read it) that neither Win10 nor Win11 are compatable in "S" mode. It doesn't say Windows 10 or 11 is not compatable. Run the compatability troubleshooter on your Win10 machine as it says the same thing about yours as it says about Win11.
Windows 11 (2 separate computers)..... Quicken Premier.. HAVE USED QUICKEN CONTINUOUSLY SINCE 1985.
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I can not recall it being suggested to employ the Windows compatibility tool to debug this problem. I guess my question for this group is how many have had this or similar problems and solved it by information received by using the Windows compatibility tool?
Windows 10 * Quicken Premier user.
Quicken user since 198x something. Started with Quicken for DOS 5.X
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Sorry if I was unclear. In Win10, you can right-click an executable and choose Properties. From there, Compatibility is a tab with options. I was wondering whether any of those options might help, assuming Win11 has them.
Quicken user since version 2 for DOS, as of 2025 using QWin Premier (US) on Win10 Pro & Win11 Pro on 2 PCs.
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The only thing that has positively affected the software performance was running Quicken in Windows Safe Mode. Could that indicate there is conflict between Quicken and some feature in Windows?
Windows 10 * Quicken Premier user.
Quicken user since 198x something. Started with Quicken for DOS 5.X
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What do you end up with when you run compatability tool on yours?
Windows 11 (2 separate computers)..... Quicken Premier.. HAVE USED QUICKEN CONTINUOUSLY SINCE 1985.